Dr. Jim Parker RAAM Florida Cycling Challenge Results


Well-Known Member
pedals, clips, clipping in or not

Ever since I started riding in hilly terrain (including the Mississippi River Valley) on a recumbent I went to sandals with recessed cleats or mountain bike shoes with recessed cleats (for winter). When I unclip and my foot hits the tarmac while I'm on an incline I want rubber, not metal, touching slick road surface.

SPDs. Absolutely bulletproof and they last forever.

In the AZ mountains I have no choice but to be vigilant about both hands on the handlebar. On the flats there are crosswinds that will `slap' you off the bike if you're not fully in control. On the climbs and descents ... I may scratch my nose or wipe a salty windswept tear from my eyes but only if I'm on a straightaway or not chugging.

Often when starting from a dead stop up a 6-8% incline in a very low gear I just want to get `going' before I get all concerned about clipping in. For me, it makes no difference whether I'm on a FWD or RWD recumbent: I clip in only when I'm sure of a straight and steady trajectory.