Enjoying My Quest


New Member
I'm not much of an IT user and not all that sure of how blogs work but thought I'd try and post a comment just coz I'm so wrapped with my Quest. Had it for about three months now and it is used daily for ride to work - fast and comfortable.
For years I've been riding at weekends with a bunch of moderately keen guys who I can usually just about stay with and recently I took the Quest along instead of my usual road bike. I took a few cracks about the weight and the rear view mirror (some of the boys seemed to think it should have three wheels??) then left them for dead. How good is it to have one bike that copes with the daily grind to work, has a rack, kickstand and rear view mirror then outperforms carbon frame lightweight conventional roadbikes? Also comfortable and fun to ride. My only problem now is that I have 4 other bikes in the shed and don't seem to be using them. Thanks John and the Cruzbike team.