Recumbents Rule.


Zen MBB Master
This was going to be a quick ride, hopefully quick enough to beat the rain that the radar showed was heading my way.
With that mindset, off I went for about an hour's fast ride.
Or so I thought.

Passing me on the other side of the country lane was a short-wheelbase recumbent.
The normal sort of recumbent.
Rear wheel drive, small diameter front wheel, mesh seat and a jaunty little
flag on the fibreglas pole.

Of course, I stepped up my speed.
Turned around at the end of the road, where I usually do,
and then sped up even more.

The threat of rain was replaced by the fun of pursuit.

Within four miles I had his bike in my sights, labouring uphill.

I passed his older Rans in another 1.5 miles... uphill.
The Cruzbike has such a huge uphill advantage over
the old-style Rans (it looked like a V-Rex) with it's flexy, lossy
mesh seat that their uphill capabilities are not even comparable.
He was bobbing away in his mesh lawnchair, spinning in his middle ring.
I was planted in my solid, supportive seat and spinning away in my big ring...
then accelerated by him.

Up to my usual cruising speed, the Rans quickly disappeared in my rearview mirror.
Truthfully, I think he turned off onto a side street when I was not looking.

The rain was holding off, so, with my stamina keeping pace with the speed I was making,
I decided to go home the long way.

The first half or the ride, during the exciting pursuit stage, my average speed was
over 18mph and overall, the average for 32 miles was 16.8mph.

Great ride, lots of fun and a good workout!
